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Don't just take our word for it

These diverse health results speak for themselves. Weight release, better energy, deeper sleep, enhanced mood... it's all possible for you, too

Man MetaPWR Before and After Photos

Recent Happy Clients

Lynn's before and after pics with MetaPWR

I’ve been enjoying the doTERRA MetaPWR Products for 6 weeks. Here’s my results:

more energy,

better sleep,

inflammation in my lower back and hips gone,

craving snacks and sweets gone,

concentration improved,

increased weights on workout equipment 10lbs.

My grand daughter said my face looked slimmer and I think the collagen is smoothing out some wrinkles!

Down 5 lbs!

Lynn H.

Man's side by side photo of MetaPWR results

My husband wasn’t into my dōTERRA until MetaPWR. He is down many pounds, many inches, and he hardly snores. I don’t need the white noise! Now he is SOOOO into my dōTERRA! We are never quitting this!

Many have asked, so here you go: This is about 60 days in. He takes the Advantage once a day in the morning. He takes one Assist capsule with dinner. He may have a beadlet now and then. He golfs a lot and walks the course every time, but he has never seen a drop in his weight from doing that. He still eats the same stuff he has always eaten - buttered popcorn, full strength Coke, candy, hot dogs, and hamburgers. This is not a man who will ever embrace a “diet.” He only used MetaPWR in the beginning because I asked him to do the experiment with me. But now he does it all on his own!

Carol C.

Woman's face before and after MetaPWR

This was never about weight loss for me. It still isn’t - in fact, the scale has barely moved.

I’m having a lot of the same results as many - more energy, better sleep, great skin, mental clarity, less joint pain & increased flexibility.

But what you can’t see on the outside is that my anxiety is basically gone... After a mental health crisis back in March, I’ve slowly been picking up the pieces and rebuilding. MetaPWR has made me feel like I’m finally put back together.

I can’t explain it. I’m calmer. Dealing with stress better. Letting things that would normally upset me, just roll off my back. I’m truly happier, more fulfilled and experiencing joy again. You can literally see the pain I was holding in my body before MetaPWR. And now I’ve let it go.

Laura L.

Side by side photo of MetaPWR results

I have always been a turtle with weight loss even while living a generally healthy lifestyle.

In May 2021, I gave birth as a surrogate mother.

I weighed the same as when I left the hospital for the past almost 1.5 years no matter what I did.

Then came MetaPWR.

My 2 months of being on MetaPWR results - down 6.4 pounds and 10.5 total inches.

I have way more energy, I handle stress better, I am not waking up in the night, and I have gotten multiple compliments on my skin!

Wendy H.

Before and after pics with MetaPWR

I have been using MetaPWR for 35 days. It has done much more for me than I expected. How do I feel? 

I feel calm and in control. I've been on the road for almost all of those 35 days and normally I would be sleep deprived, sore, bloated from unhealthy snacking, and exhausted.

Not so! I can't explain it, but this stuff is helping me make more conscious choices even when stressed AND my body feels better from the inside out.


Maybe, but the proof is in the numbers...down 13 lbs and almost 11 inches! And remember MetaPWR is NOT a weight loss product. Check out the before on top (9/15) and current pic on the bottom (11/1).

Stephanie C.

Woman's body before and after MetaPWR

30 days into working on my metabolic healing by adding in a simple 3 step system into my daily routine.

I’m in it for the long game but loving the changes so far.

Energy is way up.

Caffeine and sugar cravings are gone. I get tired at bedtime and sleep hard all night. 

67% reduction in high glucose events. 

Released 9.6 lbs. Inflammation is WAY down. 

Wrinkles are fading despite losing weight. I’m 45 but now feel like 30 year old me. Mood is great. Improved mental clarity. No way to measure but it feels like my hormones are more balanced.

Tanya C.

You're invited to experience our community and see more amazing results

Globally, there are more than 2 million households using our life-changing products. With a community like that, there's no doubt that these results are not isolated cases; instead, vibrant health and healthy aging can be the norm in your home, too. 

To share results, and open lines of communication within our community, doTERRA started a Facebook group dedicated to MetaPWR. You may join this group now and have a look around.


Additionally, we brought our smaller community together to share and support one another on our individual health journeys within a more intimate setting. This community is also on Facebook, and you can join by clicking the button below.

Three images showcasing MetaPWR Testimonials

DISCLAIMER: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Purchase the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack and/or MetaPWR System via the Loyalty Rewards Program, use for 30 days, and if you are not satisfied with the results, return your product for a full refund.

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Snap Out Of It Right Now, LLC.

All rights reserved.